Our Ranking Criteria
Access & Participation
We take into account the extent to which education is accessible and inclusive in a country, with factors such as enrollment rates, gender parity, education availability for disadvantaged groups.
Innovation & Creativity
We evaluate the extent to which a country fosters innovation, creativity in its educational system, including the use of new EdTech, the promotion of research and development, etc.
Resources & Investment
We examine the extent to which a country invests in education, e.g. public spending on education, availability of educational resources and infrastructure, etc.
Quality of Education
We evaluate the skills and knowledge that students acquire, the quality of teaching and learning, and the curriculum and assessment frameworks.
This is our list of the top 100 Countries* for Education
1. Royaume-Uni |
2. États-Unis |
3. Allemagne |
4. Canada |
5. France |
6. Finlande |
7. Japon |
8. Corée du Sud |
9. Suisse |
10. Pays-Bas |
11. Nouvelle-Zélande |
12. Australie |
13. Singapour |
14. Hong Kong |
15. Danemark |
16. Irlande |
17. Norvège |
18. Suède |
19. Belgique |
20. Autriche |
21. Taiwan |
22. Estonie |
23. Islande |
24. République tchèque |
25. Pologne |
26. Portugal |
27. Espagne |
28. Italie |
29. Israël |
30. Slovénie |
31. Lettonie |
32. Lituanie |
33. Grèce |
34. Hongrie |
35. Croatie |
36. Slovaquie |
37. Chili |
38. Uruguay |
39. Argentine |
40. Costa Rica |
41. Brésil |
42. Mexique |
43. Qatar |
44. EAU |
45. Arabie saoudite |
46. Koweït |
47. Bahreïn |
48. Oman |
49. Jordanie |
50. Malaisie |
51. Afrique du Sud |
52. Ghana |
53. Kenya |
54. Botswana |
55. Namibie |
56. Tanzanie |
57. Rwanda |
58. Sénégal |
59. Maurice |
60. Tunisie |
61. Maroc |
62. Égypte |
63. Turquie |
64. Russie |
65. Kazakhstan |
66. Ukraine |
67. Biélorussie |
68. Géorgie |
69. Arménie |
70. Azerbaïdjan |
71. Iran |
72. Liban |
73. Chypre |
74. Malte |
75. Luxembourg |
76. Liechtenstein |
77. Andorre |
78. Monaco |
79. San Marino |
80. City du Vatican |
81. Brunei |
82. Thaïlande |
83. Indonésie |
84. Vietnam |
85. Cambodge |
86. Myanmar |
87. Philippines |
88. Sri Lanka |
89. Népal |
90. Bhoutan |
91. Maldives |
92. Fidji |
93. Samoa |
94. Tonga |
95. Kiribati |
96. Micronésie |
97. îles Marshall |
98. Palau |
99. Nauru |
100. Tuvalu |