WEA Top 100 Countries for Expats

When choosing a foreign country to live and work in, important factors to consider include quality and cost of living, cultural integration, and job opportunities. Our top 100 list can help you find a host country where you will have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Our Ranking Criteria

Quality of Life

This criterion takes into account factors such as safety, healthcare, housing, transportation, entertainment, and cultural activities.

Job Opportunities

This criterion assesses the availability and quality of jobs, including salary and benefits, as well as the ease of obtaining a work visa or work permit.

Cost of Living

This criterion considers the overall cost of living, including the cost of housing, food, transportation, and other expenses.

Cultural Integration

This criterion assesses the level of integration and acceptance of foreigners in the local community, including language barriers, access to education and healthcare, and social activities.

1. Suiza
2. Canadá
3. Japón
4. Alemania
5. Australia
6. Estados Unidos
7. Reino Unido
8. Singapur
9. Suecia
10. Nueva Zelanda
11. Países Bajos 
12. Dinamarca
13. Noruega
14. Francia
15. España
16. Finlandia 
17. Bélgica 
18. Austria
19. Hong Kong
20. Irlanda 
21. Luxemburgo
22. Israel
23. Corea del Sur 
24. Emiratos Árabes Unidos
25. Taiwán
26. Italia
27. Portugal
28. Qatar
29. Islandia
30. República Checa
31. Estonia
32. Eslovenia
33. Malta
34. Polonia
35. Chipre
36. Bahrein
37. Malasia
38. Chile
39. Lituania
40. Letonia
41. Uruguay
42. Costa Rica
43. Tailandia
44. Panamá
45. México
46. ​​Brasil
47. Rumania
48. Hungría
49. Arabia Saudita 
50. Croacia
51. Bulgaria
52. Argentina
53. Omán
54. Eslovaquia
55. Perú
56. Sudáfrica
57. Colombia
58. Túnez
59. Jordan
60. Ghana
61. Vietnam 
62. Marruecos
63. Líbano
64. Kenia 
65. Serbia
66. Ucrania
67. Macedonia
68. Kazajstán
69. Filipinas
70. Mauricio
71. Ecuador
72. Senegal
73. Tanzania 
74. Nigeria
75. Zambia
76. Zimbabwe
77. Camboya
78. Argelia
79. Irán
80. Iraq
81. Nepal
82. Myanmar
83. Laos
84. Camerún
85. Guinea
86. Bangladesh
87. Pakistán
88. Sri Lanka
89. Yemen
90. República Centroafricana
91. Chad
92. Haití
93. Madagascar
94. Níger
95. Malí
96. República Democrática del Congo
97. Afganistán
98. Siria 
99. Sudán
100. Somalia