360° Business Sustainability Training for all staff

The Key to Sustainability

Transform your workplace for greater success through WEA training solutions. Unlocking the full potential of your team with comprehensive corporate training designed to drive growth, foster innovation and enhance sustainability

What's the Pain of Corporate Training?

One of the main challenges with training is the issue of trainees forgetting what they've learned too soon. Studies show that trainees will forget an average of 90% of what they have learned within the first 7 days. It can lead to a massive waste of time, resources and effort.

Training That Actually Sticks in Your Minds

To combat that, WEA training solutions not only provide professional knowledge and skills, but also equip employees with strategies for retaining and applying that information over the long term, ensuring that your investment in training yields lasting benefits for your enterprise.

What is TAR?

TAR lets you walk smoother and faster on your road to success.


Training modules are designed to cover critically important topics to business, and applicable to all staff in your enterprise.


Training is conducted in a practical, hands-on approach, encouraging trainees to share experiences and insights with each other.


Training is crafted to ignite positive changes in your workplace to yield measurable ROI, and long term competency development.

Learn with 4As to Achieve 4As

By using a series of features in the JOYAJOY app to complement the training, WEA aims to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of employees, and ultimately promote the all-round development of your enterprise.

Learn with 4As

✔️ AI Revision with Games
✔️ After-training Online Guidance
✔️ Action Sharing in Corporate Online Space
✔️ Assessment & Result Analytics

Achieve 4As

✔️ Attain Long-Term Memory
✔️ Apply the Skills at Work Effectively
✔️ Accelerate Team Learning
✔️ Advance People Development

What's the Key to Sustainability?

WEA believes that investing in your employees is the key to sustainability and success. That's why WEA employs the Enterprise People Development (EPD) System to foster a culture of continuous learning and development in your workplace. It supports your employees in achieving their full potential.

By investing in your employees, you are investing in the future of your enterprise.

From ERP

Generic training solutions usually employ the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) System: a top-down approach


WEA's training solutions utilize the Enterprise People Development (EPD) System: a bottom-up approach

Results-Oriented Training Solutions

Training is designed to achieve specific, measureable outcomes.

Analytics of Strength & Weakness

For specific improvements after training

Continual Assessment of Long-Term Memory

To be carried out 3 to 24 months after training

What are the Games?

Training content is converted into in-app games and customized to fit a variety of corporate training needs, covering topics from customer service to ESG compliance. By gamifying corporate training, enterprises create a more dynamic, effective and engaging training experience.

Team Building Games

Come with a leaderboard and serve as a engaging way to encourage teamwork and healthy competition among teams/team members.

Sales Training Games

Help sales reps learn and practice conversations with prospective customers, such as identifying customer needs and pain points, developing sales pitches, handling objections, and closing deals.

Customer Service Training Games

Help customer service reps learn and practice conversations with customers, such as handling angry customers, resolving difficult customer issues, providing exceptional customer service and upselling.

Product Training Games

Help employees learn and retain information about a company's products, such as identifying features and benefits, understanding their target market, and how each product compares to your competitors.

Sustainability & ESG Compliance Games

Help employees learn about sustainable practices and how to incorporate ESG principles into their work. Such as identifying areas of improvement in the workplace to reduce waste & energy consumption and develop sustainable solutions for the company's products, services or supply chain.

Optimizing Business Process Games

Help employees learn and understand ideas that can optimize business processes, such as identifying the bottlenecks, developing a process flowchart, and developing a process improvement plan.

9 Modules Available

Cover generic topics that are suitable for all levels in the corporate ladder.


Sustainable Resources Planning

Reduce Waste and Optimize Resource Use


Task & Time Management

Say "Bye" to Urgent and Important Tasks


Team Spirit & Teamwork

Sail in the Same Boat & Share the Same Mission


Professional Communication Skills

Optimize 3 Phases of Communication & Avoid Crises of Miscommunications


Power of Negative Thinking

Fully Utilise Negative Thinking


Self-Awareness & Self-Appreciation

Enjoy Continuous Self-Advancement


Decision Making & Flexibility

Avoid Decision Making & Remedy a Wrong Decision


Risk Forecast & Management

Enforce ESG and Ensure Sustainability


Leadership & Followership

Plato: Learn to Be a Follower, Then a Master

"He who is not a good servant will not be a good master."

Register now and get our premium courses for free!

Elevate Your Skills and Advance Your Career Through Certification

Upon completion of the training, each trainee will receive a WEA certificate, which serves as a valuable credential to advance your career.

The certificate is not only recognized by industry-leading organizations, but also serves as a testament to the quality of the training provided.