Our Ranking Criteria
Natural & Cultural Attractions
Countries with diverse and unique natural landscapes, as well as rich cultural heritage, are often considered more attractive to tourists. This includes famous landmarks, World Heritage Sites, national parks, beaches, museums, etc.
Infrastructure & Services
The availability and quality of tourist infrastructure and services, such as accommodation, transportation, dining, shopping, and entertainment, can significantly impact a country's attractiveness to tourists.
Safety & Security
Countries that are safe and secure, with low levels of crime, terrorism, and other threats are attractive to tourists. For our list, we look for countries with effective law enforcement, emergency services, stable political and social environments.
Affordability & Value for Money
Tourists often seek destinations that offer good value for money, with affordable prices for accommodation, food, transportation, and activities.
This is our list of the top 100 Countries* for Tourists
1. Frankreich
2. Vereinigte Staaten
3. Italien
4. Spanien
5. China
6. Mexiko
7. Türkei
8. Deutschland
9. Vereinigtes Königreich
10. Thailand
11. Japan
12. Kanada
13. Russland
14. Malaysia
15. Griechenland
16. Portugal
17. Österreich
18. Australien
19. Niederlande
20. Schweiz
21. Singapur
22. Südkorea
23. Hongkong
24. Tschechische Republik
25. Polen
26. Schweden
27. Dänemark
28. Ägypten
29. Kroatien
30. Norwegen
31. Indonesien
32. Irland
33. Rumänien
34. Belgien
35. Vietnam
36. Philippinen
37. Argentinien
38. Finnland
39. Peru
40. Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
41. Marokko
42. Israel
43. Neuseeland
44. Kolumbien
45. Bulgarien
46. Saudi-Arabien
47. Ungarn
48. Tunesien
49. Dominikanische Republik
50. Katar
51. Chile
52. Slowakei
53. Oman
54. Weißrussland
55. Kasachstan
56. Lettland
57. Litauen
58. Aserbaidschan
59. Estland
60. Usbekistan
61. Libanon
62. Georgien
63. Island
64. Jordanien
65. Nordmazedonien
66. Bosnien und Herzegowina
67. Mauritius
68. Armenien
69. Myanmar
70. Panama
71. Costa Rica
72. Ghana
73. Senegal
74. Kirgisistan
75. Namibia
76. Sambia
77. Uganda
78. Togo
79. Syrien
80. Madagaskar
81. Mosambik
82. Botswana
83. Sudan
84. Gabun
85. Malawi
86. Burkina Faso
87. Guinea
88. Ruanda
89. Benin
90. Tansania
91. Niger
92. Tadschikistan
93. Haiti
94. Tschad
95. Moldawien
96. Eswatini
97. Timor-Leste
98. Brunei
99. Gambia
100. Sierra Leone